Pharmacies’ new openings forecasting Model

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How to estimate the impact on companies’ sales organization of the ongoing liberalization in the Italian pharmacy channel and keeping updated on new pharmacies opening

After the approval of the Law on liberalization of the Italian market – Law n. 27 of  March, 24, 2012-  that rules also on the pharmacies’ new openings, Value Managers (thanks to a deep analytical understanding  of the law  as well as to a solid data base)  has developed a forecasting Model to enable Companies to see in advance:

– the change in the spread of pharmacies along the Italian territory (clusters by: Region, County and City districts);

– how many and which City districts will allow pharmacies’ new openings;

– how many City districts will have the higher number of new openings;

– which’s the implication for Companies’ sales force effectiveness and what changes would be meaningful to undertake in the sales organization.

Some of  the advantages offered by the VM model:

  • it allows different clustering to look at and analyze (by: total Italy; Nielsen areas; Region; County districts);
  • it allows to segment and analyze data by all types of pharmacies and by the correlation between pharmacy stores; with number of potential clients served;
  • it reports the up to date list of all the pharmacies colled for contest in Italy and their actual opening;
  • it pinpoints where the new pharmacies called for contest would be opened within the City district
  • it allows Companies to assess the impact on their sales force organization of the pharmacies’new openings;

it provides data and information continuously udpated, thanks of the constant monitoring of the applicable local laws developments, as well as the pharmacies’actual new openings (pls find below the Italian map, highlighting in red those Regions that called for contest – status at 8.11.2013).

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The VM model can be fully customized on the basis of the Conpany need.

Want to know more?  Feel free to contact us directly and we’ll be pleased to provide you with all the infos about methodology, timing and cost to evaluate, for implementing the model also in your Organization.